Converting the raw data into a pretty image was always a slightly tedious task, as I used GNU Octave (or MATLAB) to generate the plot
function plot_3column_data(filename) % Grab data from file data_from_file=load(filename); x=data_from_file(:,1); y=data_from_file(:,2); z=data_from_file(:,3); % Find range of x and y axes and make arrays of axis data for plot xmin=min(x); xmax=max(x); ymin=min(y); ymax=max(y); xstep=x(2)-x(1); x_plot=[xmin:xstep:xmax]; y_plot=[ymin:xstep:ymax]; % Reshape data column into a matrix z_plot=reshape(z,length(x_plot),length(y_plot)); % Finally, make a surface plot of the data, using a % chosen colour scheme and tweak the shape of the % axes surface(x_plot,y_plot,z_plot','EdgeColor','None') colormap bone axis equal
Note that this fairly laborious script didn't even contain axis labelling or exporting to a PNG image. The trouble is, I think, that Octave is a very powerful matrix manipulation language and using it just as an image plotter is overkill. The script is ugly and the interpreter is pretty slow to load.
I'm sure there are much better ways to do this in Octave, but there are already some very nice ready-made data plotting tools available. I found that Gnuplot has a built-in "image" plot style, which does exactly what I want:
set terminal png transparent large size 800,600 set output 'image.png' plot 'data.dat' with image
It's very simple, and very fast :)
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